Non-blocking Transactional Atomicity

28 May 2013

tl;dr: You can perform non-blocking multi-object atomic reads and writes across arbitrary data partitions via some simple multi-versioning and by storing metadata regarding related items.

N.B. This is a long post, but it’s comprehensive. Reading the first third will give you most of the understanding.

Edit 4/2014: We wrote a SIGMOD paper on these ideas! Check it out or read an updated post on the new algorithms.

Performing multi-object updates is a common but difficult problem in real-world distributed systems. When updating two or more items at once, it’s useful for other readers of those items to observe atomicity: either all of your updates are visible or none of them are.1 This crops up in a bunch of contexts, from social network graphs (e.g., Facebook’s Tao system, where bi-directional “friend” relationships are stored in two uni-directional pointers) to distributed data structures like counters (e.g., Twitter’s Rainbird hierarchical aggregator) and secondary indexes (a topic for a future post). In conversations I’ve had regarding our work on Highly Available Transactions, atomic multi-item update, or transactional atomicity, is often the most-requested feature.

Existing Techniques: Locks, Entity Groups, and “Fuck-it Mode”

The state of the art in transactional multi-object update typically employs one of three strategies.

In this post, I’ll provide a simple alternative (let’s call it Non-blocking Transactional Atomicity, or NBTA) that uses multi-versioning and some extra metadata to ensure transactional atomicity without the use of locks. Specifically, our solution does not block readers or writers in the event of arbitrary process failure and, as long as readers and writers can contact a server for each data item they want to access, the system can guarantee transactional atomicity of both reads or writes. At a high level, the key idea is to avoid performing in-place updates and to use additional metadata to substitute for synchronous synchronization across replicas.

NBTA by Example

To illustrate the NBTA algorithm, consider the simple scenario where there are two servers, one storing item x and the other storing item y, both of which have value 0. Say we have two clients, one of which wishes to write x=1, y=1 and another that wants to read x and y together (i.e., x=y=0 or x=y=1). (We’ll discuss replication later.)

good, pending, and Invariants

Let’s split each server’s storage into two parts: good and pending. We will maintain the invariant that every write stored in good will have its transactional sibling writes (i.e., the other writes originating from the transactionally atomic operation) present on each of their respective servers, either in good or pending. That is, if x=1 is in good on the server for x, then, in the example above, y=1 will be guaranteed to be in good or pending on the server for y.

To maintain the above invariant, servers first place writes into pending. Then, once servers learn (possibly asynchronously) that a write’s transactional siblings are all in pending (let’s call this process “learning that a write is stable”), the servers individually move their respective writes into good. One simple strategy for informing servers that a write is stable is to have the writing client perform two rounds of communication: the first round places writes into pending, then, once all servers have acknowledged writes to pending, the client notifies each server that its write is stable. (If you’re nervous, this isn’t two-phase commit; more on that later.)

Races and Pointers

We’re almost done. If readers read from good, then they’re guaranteed to be able to read transactional siblings from other servers. However, there’s a race condition: what if one server has placed its write in good but another still has its transactional sibling in pending? We need a way to tell the second server to serve its read from pending.

To handle this race condition, we attach additional information to each write: a list of transactional siblings. At the start of a multi-key update, clients generate a unique timestamp for all of their writes (say, client ID plus local clock or random hash), which they attach to each write, along with a list of the keys written to in the transaction. Now, when a client reads from good, it will have a list of transactional siblings with the same timestamp. When the client requests a read from one of those sibling items, the server can fetch it from either pending or good. If a client doesn’t need to read a specific item, the server can respond with the highest timestamped item from good.

Putting it all together

We now have an algorithm that guarantees that all writes in a multi-key update are accessible before revealing them to readers. If a reader accesses a write, it is guaranteed to be able to access its transactional siblings without blocking. This way, readers will never stall waiting for a sibling that hasn’t arrived on its respective server. To make sure readers can access siblings in both good and pending, we attached additional metadata to each write that can be used by servers in the event of skews in stable write detection across servers. If readers or writers fail, there is no effect on other readers or writers. Any partially written multi-key updates will never become stable, and servers can optionally guarantee write stability by performing pending acknowledgments (i.e., performing the second phase of the client write) for themselves.

It Gets Better!

…because optimizations are awesome…

There are several optimizations and modifications we can make to the NBTA protocol:

…and it works in real life.

We’ve built a database based on LevelDB that implements NBTA with all of the above optimizations except metadata pruning (related pseudocode here). Under the Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark, NBTA transactions of 8 operations each achieve within 33% (all writes) to 4.8% (all reads) of the peak throughput of eventually consistent (i.e., “fuck-it”) operation (with 3.8–48% higher latency). Our implementation scales linearly, to over 250,000 operations per second for transactions of length 8 consisting of 50% reads and 50% writes on a deployment of 50 EC2 instances.

In our experience, NBTA performs substantially better than lock-based operation because there is no blocking involved. The two primary sources of overhead are due to metadata (expected to be small for real-world transactions like the Facebook and secondary indexing) and moving writes from pending to stable (if, as in our implementation, writes to pending are persistent, this results in two durable server-side writes for every client-initiated write). Given these results, we’re excited to start applying NBTA to other data stores (and secondary indexing).

So what just happened?

If you’re a distributed systems or database weenie like me, you may be curious how NBTA relates to well-known problems like two-phase commit.

The NBTA algorithm is a variant of uniform reliable broadcast with additional metadata to address the case where some servers have delivered writes but others have not yet, providing safety (e.g., see Algorithm 3.4). Formally, NBTA as presented here does not guarantee termination: servers may not realize that a write in pending will never become stable. Recognizing a “dead write” in pending requires failure detection and, in practice, writes can be removed from pending once sibling servers have been marked as dead, the server detects that a client died mid-write, the write (under last-writer-wins semantics) is overwritten by a higher timestamped write in good, or, more pragmatically, after a timeout.

As presented here, servers don’t abort updates, but this isn’t fundamental. Instead of placing items in pending, servers can instead reject updates, so any updates that were placed into pending on other servers will never become stable. NBTA is weaker than traditional non-blocking atomic commitment protocols because it allows non-termination for individual transactional updates (that is, garbage collecting pending may take a while). The trick is that, in practice, as long as independent transactional updates can be executed concurrently (as is the case with last-writer-wins and as is the case for all Highly Available Transaction) semantics, a stalled transactional update won’t affect other updates. In contrast, traditional techniques like two-phase commit with two-phase locking will require stalling in the presence of coordinator failure.

There are several ideas in the database literature that are similar to NBTA. The optimization for reducing message round trips is similar to the optimizations employed by Paxos Commit, while the use of additional metadata to guard against concurrent updates may remind you of B-link trees or other lockless data structures. And, of course, multi-version concurrency control and timestamp-based concurrency control have a long history in database systems. The key in NBTA is to achieve transactional atomicity while avoiding a centralized timestamp authority or concurrency control mechanism.

All this said, I haven’t seen a distributed transactional atomicity algorithm like NBTA before; if you have, please do let me know.


This post demonstrated how to achieve atomic multi-key updates across arbitrary data partitions without using locks or losing the ability to provide a safe response despite arbitrary failures of readers, writers, and (depending on the configuration) servers. The key idea was to establish an invariant that all writes have to be present on the appropriate servers before showing them to readers. The challenge was in solving a race condition between showing writes on different servers—trivial for locks but harder for a highly available system. And it works in practice–rather well, and much better than similar lock-based techniques! If you’ve made it this far, you’ve probably followed along, but I look forward to following up with a post on how to perform consistent secondary indexing via similar techniques—a potential killer application for NBTA, particularly given that it’s often considered impossible in scalable systems.

As always, feedback is welcomed and encouraged. If you’re interested in these algorithms in your system, let’s talk.

Thanks to Peter Alvaro, Neil Conway, Aurojit Panda, and Shivaram Venkataraman, and Reynold Xin for early feedback on this post. This research is joint work with Aaron Davidson, Alan Fekete, Ali Ghodsi, Joe Hellerstein, and Ion Stoica at UC Berkeley and the University of Sydney.


[1]  Note that this “atomicity” is not the same as linearizability, the data consistency property addressed in Gilbert and Lynch’s proof of the CAP Theorem and often referred to as “atomic” consistency. Linearizability concerns ordering operations with respect to real time and is a single-object guarantee. The “atomicity” here stems from a database context (namely, the “A” in “ACID” and concerns performing and observing operations over multiple objects. To avoid further confusion, we’ll call this “atomicity” “transactional atomicity.”

\[2\]  More specifically, there are a bunch of ways things can get weird. If a client dies while holding locks, then the servers should eventually revoke the locks. This often requires some form of failure detection or timeout, which leads to awkward scenarios over asynchronous networks, coupled with effective unavailability prior to lock revocation. In a linearizable system, as in the example, we've already given up on availability, so this isn't necessarily horrible---but it's a shame (read: it's slow) to block readers during updates and vice-versa. If we're going for a highly available (F=N-1 fault-tolerant) setup (as we will later on), locks are a non-starter; locks are fundamentally at odds with providing available operation on all replicas during partitions.

\[3\]  Hold up, cowboy! What does this replication mean for availability? As I'll discuss soon, we haven't talked about when the effects of transactions will become visible in the event of replica failures (i.e., when people will read my writes). Readers will *always* be able to read transactionally atomic sets of data items from non-failing replicas; however, depending on the desired availability, reads may not be the most "up to date" set that is available on some servers. One way to look at this trade-off is as follows:

  1. You can achieve linearizability and transactional atomicity, whereby everyone sees all writes after they complete, but writes may take an indefinite amount of time to complete ("CP")

  2. You can achieve read-your-writes and transactional atomicity, whereby you can see your writes after they complete, but you'll have to remain "sticky" and continue to contact the same (logical) set of servers during execution (your "sticky" neighboring clients will also see your writes; "Sticky-CP")

  3. You can achieve transactional atomicity and be able to contact any server, but writes won't become visible until all servers you might read from have received the transactional writes ("AP"; at the risk of sub-footnoting myself, I'll note that there are cool and useful connections to different kinds of [failure detectors]( here).
Transactionally atomic [safety properties]( are guaranteed in all three scenarios, but the safety guarantees on *recency* offered by each vary. The main ideas presented here apply to all three cases but were developed in the context of HA systems.

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